Dr Dhruba Jyoti Borah

English  Articles

  1. Understanding Assam and the North-East; The administrator, vol. Xxxix Oct-Dec. 1994.
  2. Insurgency in the mainstream – A study of Assam presented  in National Seminar on Insurgency organised by N.E. Center for Social Science Research, Shillong, July 1995.
  3. Social Alienation and tension in the North-East – presented in the seminar ‘Focus on North East’, India International Center, New Delhi, March 1995.
  4. Deconstruction of the Myth of Revolution and Social Reconstruction – A New look at the legacy of Mao-zedong, presented at the U.G.C. Seminar at Dibrugarh University Deptt. of Political Science, 1995.
  5. Constitution  Safeguards for the Indigenous People of Assam, Keynote address, Seminar at Shillong Club, Meghalaya 24.11.2001.
  6. Democratisation of instruments of Tribal Autonomy – A review of the functioning of the 6th schedule of the constitution – Seminar at India International Center, New Delhi, 2002.
  7. Traditional institutions of self-governance– (do)
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