Dr Dhruba Jyoti Borah

List of Scientific Publication

  1. A study of conductive disorders of heart with special reference to yellow oleander poisoning (Thevetia Nerrifolia, Juss) – Dr. D.J. Bora, 1982. Thesis for M.D. Medicine (Gauhati University) 1982.
  2. Clinical profile of chronic corpulmonale in hospitalized patients – A five years study 1977-88 – Prof. M.C. Bhuyan, Dr. D.J. Borah & Dr. A.K. Baruah, Guwahati 1982. Presented in Seminar of World Health Organisation (WHO) on control and management of chronic cor pulmonale, Guwahati, 1982. Published in book form seminar publications.
  3. Clinical study of chronic corpulmonale in North Eastern India – Dr. D.J. Borah, Prof. M.C. Bhuyan, 1984. Presented in Seminer of second International Congress of Cardio Pulmonary Diseases Calcutta. East India chaples of chest physicians USA ,published in Seminars Journal.
  4. A study of yellow oleander poisoning – Dr. D.J. Borah, 1984. Presented in Seminar of second International Congress of Cardio Pulmonary Diseases Calcutta. East India chaples of chest physicians USA, published in Seminars Journal.
  5. Pattern of Ischaemic Heart Diseases in Assam – A five years clinical study 1974-1983 – Dr. M.C. Bhuyan, Dr. D.J. Borah, 1984. Presented in Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Regional Seminar, Dibrugarh, 1984, published in ICMR. J.
  6. Cardic Effects of Yellow Oleander Poisoning – Dr. D.J. Borah, Dr. B. Choudhury, Dr. A.K. Bhattacharjee, Dr. M.C. Bhuyan, 1982. Presented in International Congress on Tropical Cardiology, Bombay. Published – Indian Heart Journal – Vol. 34, No. 5, Sept., Oct., 1982.
  7. A Study of Acute Geomerulo Nephritis in North East India (A Clinical and Historical Study) – Dr. (Mrs.) N. Choudhury, Dr. D.J. Borah, 1984. Presented in Annual Conference of Association of Physicians if India, Madrass, 1982-84. Published in Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI) Vol. 10, Jan., 1984 (AB)
  8. Permanent pacemakers implantation by Blind Method – Dr. M.C. Bhuyan, Dr. B.K. Das, Dr. A.K. Bhattacharjee, Dr. H.C. Kalita, Dr. B.C. Das, Dr. D.J. Borah.  Presented in Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, 1985, Guwahati. Published in Indian Heart Journal, Vol. 57, 1985 (AB).
  9. Permanent Pacemaker Implantation by complete Blind Method –Dr. D.J. Borah, Dr. M.C. Bhuyan, Dr. B.K. Das, Dr. H.C. Kalita, 1986. Presented in Third National Conference on Cordiale Paceing and Electrophysiology, New Delhi, 1986. Published in Indian Heart Journal, 1986 (AB) and Seminar J.
  10. Clinical Study of Mashroom poisioning – Dr. D.J. Borah, Dr. A. Rahman, 1978. Published in Journal -1, Assam Medical College AMCOL, Vol. XXX,
  11. The Problem of Cardipmyopathics –Dr. D.J. Borah, 1979. Published in Assam Medical College, Vol. XXXI, 1978-79.
  12. Carebrospinal fluid – Dr. D.J. Borah, 1977. Published in Journal of Assam Medical College, AMCOL, Vol. XXIX, 1976-77.
  13. A review of Adjuvent Drug Therapy of Myocardial pump failure- Dr. D.J. Borah, 1981. Published in Journal of Gauhati Medical College, Vol-XIII, 1981-82.
  14. A study of conductive disorders of heart following acute myocardial infarction – Dr. D.J. Borah, 1982. Published in Journal of Gauhati Medical College, Vol.-XIV, 1981-82.
  15. Health care in India – Dr. D.J. Borah, 1976. Editorial in J. of Assam Medical College, AMCOL, 1974, 75, 76.
  16. Dyspesis, its aetiological factors – Dr. D.J. Borah, 1970. Published in Journal of Assam Medical College, Vol. XXVII & VII, 1974, 75, 76.
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